The list of 23 Law Schools in Canada

We invite you to discover in this post, the list of 23 Law Schools in Canada for Canadian and international students. Canada is globally renowned for its high-quality education system and top-notch higher education institutions.

As one of the world’s leading educational hubs, Canada offers a rich selection of esteemed Law schools that cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of students and professionals. So, join us on this exploration of the list of 23 Law Schools, and discover the possibilities that await you in this captivating town.

Which Law Schools choose in Canada? The list of 23

In Canada, Law education takes place in institutes, faculties, colleges and schools. Indeed, each Law school may have some additional specific conditions for registration.

These esteemed institutions are at the forefront of academic excellence, preparing students and professionals for successful careers in the ever-evolving world of Law.

So, here is the list of 23 Law schools in Canada for Canadian students and international students :

  1. Bora Laskin Faculty of Law
  2. Laval University Faculty of Law
  3. Lincoln Alexander School of Law
  4. McGill University Faculty of Law
  5. Osgoode Hall Law School
  6. Peter A. Allard School of Law
  7. Queen’s University Faculty of Law
  8. Robson Hall Faculty of Law
  9. Schulich School of Law
  10. Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law
  11. University of Alberta Faculty of Law
  12. University of Calgary Faculty of Law
  13. University of Moncton Faculty of Law
  14. University of Montreal Faculty of Law
  15. University of New Brunswick Faculty of Law
  16. University of Ottawa Faculty of Law
  17. University of Saskatchewan Faculty of Law
  18. University of Sherbrooke Faculty of Law
  19. University of Toronto Faculty of Law
  20. University of Victoria Faculty of Law
  21. University of Windsor Faculty of Law
  22. UQAM Faculty of Political Science and Law
  23. Western University Faculty of Law

You should note that the ranking of these Canadian Law faculties is done in alphabetical order.

If you want to have an idea of ​​the best of them, we invite you to find the best Law schools in Canada.


Thus, to conclude our article, we presented for you, the list of 23 Law schools in Canada for Canadian and international students.

The diversity of programs, areas of expertise, and teaching philosophies showcased in this list reflects the richness of Canada’s Law education landscape. Also, before you go to study in Canada, you should know about all the options available, namely the best Canadian Law schools.

Thus, we recommend that you visit each website of the faculty of Law in Canada that interests you in order to make your choice.

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