The list of 34 Nursing Schools in Canada

We invite you to discover in this post, the list of 34 Nursing Schools in Canada for Canadian and international students. Canada is globally renowned for its high-quality education system and top-notch higher education institutions.

The country’s Nursing schools are no exception, offering internationally acclaimed academic programs designed to prepare students for the challenges of today’s business world. So, join us on this exploration of the list of 34 Nursing Schools.

Which Nursing Schools choose in Canada? The list of 34 !

In Canada, Nursing education takes place in institutes, faculties, colleges and schools. Indeed, each Nursing school may have some additional specific conditions for registration.

These esteemed institutions are at the forefront of academic excellence, preparing students and professionals for successful careers in the ever-evolving world of Nursing.

So, here is the list of 34 Nursing schools in Canada for Canadian students and international students :

  1. Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing
  2. Brock University School of Nursing
  3. Cape Breton University School of Nursing
  4. College of Nursing, University of Manitoba
  5. College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan
  6. Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing
  7. Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia
  8. Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge
  9. Faculty of Health Studies, Brandon University
  10. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
  11. Faculty of Nursing, MacEwan University
  12. Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta
  13. Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary
  14. Faculty of Nursing, University of New Brunswick
  15. Faculty of Nursing, University of Prince Edward Island
  16. Faculty of Nursing, University of Regina
  17. Faculty of Nursing, University of Windsor
  19. Ingram School of Nursing
  20. Lakehead University School of Nursing
  21. Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
  22. Memorial University of Newfoundland School of Nursing
  23. Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine
  24. Mount Royal University School of Nursing and Midwifery
  25. Nipissing University School of Nursing
  26. Northern British Columbia University School of Nursing
  27. School of Nursing, Laurentian University
  28. School of Nursing, St. Francis Xavier University
  29. School of Nursing, Thompson Rivers University
  30. School of Nursing, University of Ottawa
  31. St. Francis Xavier University School of Nursing
  32. Trent University Fleming School of Nursing
  33. University of Victoria School of Nursing
  34. York University School of Nursing

You should note that the ranking of these Canadian Nursing faculties is done in alphabetical order.

If you want to have an idea of ​​the best of them, we invite you to find the best Nursing schools in Canada.


Thus, to conclude our article, we presented for you, the list of 34 Nursing schools in Canada for Canadian and international students. Each institution featured in this compilation plays a crucial role in shaping the future of Nursing practices, not only in Canada but also on a global scale.

Also, before you go to study in Canada, you should know about all the options available, namely the best Canadian Nursing schools.

Thus, we recommend that you visit each website of the faculty of Nursing in Canada that interests you in order to make your choice.

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